3 Martinis
From Uncle Sam's BS to actual BS.
We spent our careers working for the federal government as lowly civil servants. We retired from our jobs in late 2022 having already purchased a property where we could shift our efforts to a different line of work. We have a rural property in East Texas where our intention is to raise cattle and other livestock. We started with bees and have since added cattle, goats, chickens, and pigs. We still hope to eventually add some gardens for fruit trees, herbs and vegetables.
Everything We Offer
Free Range
Hormone Free
Grass Fed
We believe that God designed his creation for efficiency and symbiosis. All of the various animals on our ranch work together in support of each other. The cattle graze in small paddocks soon to be followed by chickens, both layers and broilers. The theory is that the cows add their part to the ground and the chickens are nourished on the insect larvae left behind. This in turn helps keep the cattle free from pests that might require medical intervention. Our goats are used for their browsing skills that help keep underbrush in our wooded areas under control. This helps both expand our pasture area and eliminate fuel for potentially devastating fires. Pigs are helping keep some of the insect pests and weeds under control, and if I ever get around to starting a garden they can help with the tilling.